Friday, September 12, 2008

A Walk Through the Gap

This is the forth and last entry for our trip to the tri-state area.

Monday we went to Harrogate, Tennessee to see the Abraham Lincoln Library and Museum located on the campus of Lincoln Memorial University. It is one of the largest Lincoln collections in the country. There are hundreds of civil war items. I especially liked the dioramas. I got to put on yankee and rebel uniforms. There was a tree from the battlefield of Chattanooga that had been shot several times and the tree grew around the lodged cannon balls and shrapnel. There was a life casting of Lincoln’s face and hands. I got an Abe beard and a top-hat. You should go there! Next we went to Cumberland Gap National Historic Park. We hiked through the gap and on part of the original Wilderness Road. Some of the trail looked like it did when Boone went through there. We then drove up to the Pinnacle Overlook. You could see for hundreds of miles. There are a couple of civil war batteries up there. This is where men from both sides waited for a battle that never came. This trip wore me out, but it was worth it.

1 comment:

vic said...

just have a minute to reply. quickly read through your blog. will reply at length later. Wow, what an experience.