Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Backyard Bugs . . . Black Widow Spider

Well, this one was easy to identify . . . it is a Southern Black Widow Spider. Kentucky is home to two species of black widow spiders, the Northern and Southern Black Widow. Southern Black Widows usually have a distinct red hourglass-shaped design on the underside of their abdomen, while the hourglass on the Northern Black Widow is broken.

Another one lurks in the shadows . . .


Adonis Gorr said...

Cool!!! But that's a male.

Adonis Gorr said...

And where was it? Your yard? What'd you do with it? Lynn wouldn't let me keep the one I found.

Merkin J. Pus-Tart said...

Seeing that there was about 6 or 7 positioned about the perimeter of our back door . . . well, I am sorry to relate, there was much carnage this afternoon. The spider gods are not happy with the Kingdom of Fife.