Tuesday, December 16, 2014

150th Battle of Nashville

This past weekend, Pvt. Baconator (that is Malc's reenacting name) and I (Amish Todd . . . the Brits call me Moonshine Todd) joined the rest of the 9th Ky for an event commemorating the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Nashville.  A number of historic sites in and around Nashville participated in this sesquicentennial remembrance with the 9th were stationed at Fort Negley (which was the largest inland fort built during the Civil War).  Our weekend was fairly low-key . . . doing drills and a few firing demos, but mostly just interacting with the public in the camp.  The above photo is of our encampment framed by the substantial entrance gate at the Ft. Negley Park.  It was taken after all the others had turned in for the night.  I was up because one of my favorite joys of reenacting is being allowed on a historical site after dark.

Bivouac of the dead tired . . .

Baconator and Critter up at the fort pondering my musings about the Roman emperor Pupienus Maximus.  Well, this was the last of the significant 150th events for our area.  We will be doing Bentonville early next year, which will be the last of the 150th events for the western theater and then, I imagine, will die down.

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