Sunday, November 16, 2014

150th Franklin

This weekend, Malc and I joined a good many of the 9th Ky for the 150th Battle of Franklin.  It was an especially notable event for Malc, as he was able to fully participate in a reenactment for the first time.  No more just a runner . . . he marched, and fired just like everyone else.  Here is Malc and Kyle going through the "school of soldier" just to make sure he was battle ready.  From what people around him told me he did great.  This was extra special because Franklin is the last major 150th event the 9th participates in the western theater (we will be going to Bentonville, NC in March). 

Malc in line for inspection before heading out to the field of battle.  Unfortunately I was at the other end of the line, so I didn't get to watch Malc's encounter with "the elephant."  *The above photo is from the 9th Ky webpage.

The last men standing . . . the rain came . . . the rebs left, and the event canceled.  The 9th, as you can see, didn't want to pack up and leave.

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