Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Roadtrip '09 Part 4

Day 5: 7-16-09

Thursday morning we did a final tour of Williamsburg. We went to the wig shop and saw one interesting thing: a wig with feathers on top that water would tumble off of.

We drove to the Mariner's Museum in Newport News. We saw a light from a lighthouse. We saw the gun turret of the Monitor and other pieces that were being restored. I got to touch one piece of the Monitor that had been specially treated so people could touch it. Then we drove to Nags Head. It's called Nags Head because the people who lived there tied lights to their horses heads and put them on the beach. The ships would think they were other ships anchored in the harbor and run aground. The the people of Nags Head would plunder the ships.

Wigging out . . .

Photo op . . . the Monitor's propeller.

The restoration of the Monitor's turret.

The Sea Foam Motel.

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