Monday, January 31, 2011

Kingdom of Fife Film School . . . January

Here is the sixth installment of the Kingdom of Fife Film School. These are the films Dudeboy watched during January with his ratings. The asterisks are for films (documentaries to be specific) which I failed to list in previous posts.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Snow Day

Snow Plow . . .

I scream . . . you scream . . . we all scream for snow-cream!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Butcher's (Dude) Boy

Dudeboy, inspired by Buell Kazee, wanders through the old "Top" Simmons place (house of Dudeboy's great-great-great grandfather) while singing the old traditional song The Butcher's Boy.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Mammoth Ice Age

Dudeboy and I joined some friends on a hike in Mammoth Cave N.P. We were on the search for big ice . . . and we found some.

Eagle Point . . .

Eaglet Arch . . .

Dudeboy inside of an arch . . .

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Kingdom of Fife Film School . . . December

Here is the fifth installment of the Kingdom of Fife Film School. These are the films Dudeboy watched during December with his ratings.